There are many different types of meditation. The type of meditation we offer is a deep-phase style that allows your spirit and soul to communicate at all levels.
Chakra Meditation
Combining visualization with pranayama
This is a dynamic chakra meditation that is very effective in energizing awareness to a more expanded state.
Tools: You will need a metronome set at 60 bpm – smartphones have an app if needed.
Technique: Use an even ratio of inhalation – pause – exhalation – pause when doing this technique. For most people, a four-count ratio is the most comfortable – inhale for a count of four; hold for a count of four; exhale for a count of four; hold for a count of four, inhale, etc..
Before You Begin: All our techniques use complete yogic breaths. To add even more energy to this technique, recite the chakra sound in the specific pitch indicated. It will help if you can hear all the notes ahead of time – listen to the note, then repeat each chakra sound in the pitch indicated with your voice to get that harmonic into your body memory.
Base As you inhale, pull chi energy into the base chakra then imagining your inhalation to move up into your lungs from the base chakra. Imagine it as a bright red ball of hot energy gathering in your lungs. Hear it as the sound LAH in the key of C.
Heart As you hold your breath spread that chi energy up into your heart chakra allowing it to become a field of bright green light. Feel your heart expanding. Hear the sound YAM in the key of F.
Brow As you exhale, move the chi up into the brow chakra allowing it to become a dark lapse blue ball of light. Feel a universal sense of joy flow moving into you from above. Hear it as the sound AHH in the key of A.
Heart As you hold your breath spread that chi energy down into your heart chakra allowing it to become a field of bright green light. Feel your heart expanding even more. Hear the sound YAM in the key of F.
Solar Plexus As you inhale, pull chi in through the third chakra as a bright yellow ball of sunlight. Feel the power of the sun penetrating the center of your body. Hear the sound RAH in the key of E.
Heart As you hold your breath spread that chi energy up into your heart chakra allowing it to become a field of bright green light. Feel your heart expanding even more as you include all life within you. Hear the sound YAM in the key of F.
Crown As you exhale, move that chi into the crown chakra allowing it to become a ball of bright violet light. Hear the sound AUM in the key of B.
Heart As you hold your breath spread that chi energy down into your heart chakra allowing it to become a field of bright green light. Hear the sound YAM in the key of F.
Spleen As you inhale, pull chi in through the second chakra as a brilliant ball of bright orange light. Hear it as the sound BAH in the key of D.
Heart As you hold your breath spread that chi energy up into your heart chakra allowing it to become a field of bright green light. Hear the sound YAM in the key of F.
Throat As you exhale, move that chi into the throat chakra as a bright sky-blue ball of light. Hear the sound HAH in the key of G.
Heart As you hold your breath spread that chi energy down into your heart chakra allowing it to become a field of bright green light. Hear the sound YAM in the key of F.
Base As you inhale move chi in through the base chakra as a bright hot ball of red light. Hear the sound LAH in the key of C as you move that energy into your heart chakra.
Chakra # Action
1 Base inhale
4 Heart hold
6 Brow exhale
4 Heart hold
3 Solar inhale
4 Heart hold
7 Crown exhale
4 Heart hold
2 Spleen inhale
4 Heart hold
5 Throat exhale
4 Hear hold
1 Base inhale
This is one set, repeat at least three sets.
You can also use the imagery to send chi energy to any part of the body to facilitate healing. If you use imagery to move chi to the endocrine system, make sure you are using the right corresponding chakras to glands as there are several differing believes on this subject. This is a basic understanding:
Base chakra – reproductive organs, gonads
Second Chakra – spleen, ovaries
Third chakra – pancreas, adrenals
Fourth – thymus
Fifth – thyroid
Sixth – pineal
Seventh – pituitary
ADDED BONUS - Two-syllable Mantra
This mantra is used to deepen an individual's level of meditation. To enter the Akasha - Akashic Records - it is necessary that we are able to concentrate at every increasing sharpness. This is naturally accomplished when we give up the NEED to be right, thus releasing judgment and conflict. This mantra gives us a jump on that process by increasing the alchemical process within our mind by harmonically grounding the soul, spirit, body connection. The mantra is said aloud three times and then taken internally for no more than 20 minutes at a setting. The mantra is sounded aloud in a monotone higher pitch than your normal voice. OAUM NAUM is the two-syllable sounding.