This is a partial catalog of my published books - English and Japanese with translation in German, Dutch and Spanish. Individual descriptions along with images of each cover.

My first U.S. two books were titled, The Buick Driver, followed by, Where Elephants Tango - these two titles are a memory-based story of my childhood and how it was that I stumbled into the spiritual realms at such a young age. I kept a real-time journal of all my out-of-body and spirit guide encounters. This formed the basis of The Buick Driver. Where Elephants Tango takes up my spiritual journey some twenty-years later. Both books tell a story of paranormal activity and the alternative reality experienced in the adjacent realms that exist up against our sensory based lives. Richman Rose Publishing 1987 and 1989 respectively. (Shown below are revised covers for a second printing later this year.)

In Japan, this was offered as a trilogy with The Buick Driver in two volumes and Were Elephants Tango as one volume. Koichi Sakamoto translated this series for publisher Tokuma Shoten, Tokyo, Japan in 2008 (volume one) and 2009 (volume two). Where Elephants Tango was published 2010.

Ascension - The Original Teachings of Christ Awareness was my first work to explore the spiritual world from an Akashic Records view. This is not your every-day look at the life of Jesus. This is a hard look at the teachings of Jesus as interpreted by his core disciples and St Paul the Roman. The baseline of this investigation is primarily Gnostic and mystical. Published by Richman Rose Publishing, 1991 - edited by Nina Amir.

Your Book of Life - Accessing the Akashic Records. This takes the reader through the process of consciously accessing the Akashic Records. This was the first modern work to cover the art of consciously accessing the Akashic Records, or our eternal soul's reincarnation path, and our evolving spirit's reincarnation path which is recorded in our individual Book of Life. There are practical exercises and techniques aimed at expanding individual awareness to include past acquired abilities and future immutable events we have placed in our current timeline as points of awakening. Published by Richman Rose Publishing, 1996.

This title was translated into Japanese and published through Voice, Inc. Your Book of Life - Accessing the Akashic Records became a two-volume set and was translated by my long-time interpreter, Yuriko Ohno. We have worked together for twenty-nine years and counting. Reading the Akashic Records and The Collective Mind and the Akashic Records was published through Voice, Inc. July and December of 1996 respectively.

The Twelve Days of Light. This predicts the shift from the previous cycle of Duality into the now current cycle of Unity that happened in the ten years between 2001 and 2011. Every 13,000 years, humanity shifts from one extreme of consciousness to the opposite. At 12,500 years, we enter a 1,000 transition wave that ends 500 years into the new cycle. At the very center of that transition wave, collective human consciousness begins to shift to the opposite extreme - for us now, this is humanity entering a unity cycle. Each person, in their own timing, will experience a twelve day period in which light will radiate from all physical substance. Experiencing this radiance signals the transformation of an individual's mind from duality to unity. Richman Rose Publishing, 1998.

Those who willingly release their inner conflicts will move through this transition with ease and wonderment. Those who continue holding onto the past will find themselves lost in the process of fighting against the flow - swimming against the current of emerging unity.
The Japanese translation was done by Yuriko Ohno and published March 1999 through Voice, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.

The Dutch translation was published in 2000 through Uitgeverij Petiet.

The Knowing - The Ancient Spiritual Philosophy of the Atlatian and Lemurian Cultures, is a look back at the spiritual understandings of the two cultures that preceded our current global civilization as recorded in the Akashic Records. The Atlatian culture ended 13,000 years ago; the Lemurian ended 26,000 years ago. This is a look from the Akashic Records at how our modern world religions and philosophies differ from those of long ago. Richman Rose Publishing, 2004.

The reviews on this title were very welcoming, citing that this title is a must-read for any serious student of Gnostic spirituality and ancient mysticism. Along with the Akashic Records information, much of the information is backed up through the Gnostic Gospels, Coptic Codes, Naghammadi transcripts, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Early documents from a group associated with the Ashkenazi Jews of prewar Germany centered on pre-epochal teachings.
The Japanese translation was done by Yuriko Ohno and published through Tokuma Shoten in 2004.

Memories of Light, was a collaboration between myself and one of Japan's leading fantasy authors, Katsuhiko Takakashi. Yuriko Ohno translated my contributions. The subject matter is broad ranging. This was published through Voice, Inc., 1999.

The Coming World War, is another collaboration, this time with Masuzo Furukawa a Tokyo media personality. The subject matter is concerning predictions for the next few decades. This work was in response to the 911 events in New York City, Shanksville, PA and Washington DC. This was released through Voice, Inc., in 2001.

History of Humans and the Earth in the Akashic Records, is another collaboration with media personality, Masuzo Furukawa. Yuriko Ohno translated my contributions. Voice, Inc., published this title in 2002.

How the 5th Dimensional World will be on Earth, is a another collaboration with Katsuhiko Takakashi. Yuriko Ohno translated my contributions. This work is about how harmonic frequencies are shifting because of the influence of the the Unity cycle radiance. Published through Tokuma Shoten 2007.

Twelve Days of Light, revised edition for the Japanese language market. This was a short update on the information first offered in 1998. Translated by Yuriko Ohno and published through Tokuma Shoten.

Easy Introduction to the Akashic Records, is meant for individuals just beginning the exploration of the Records offering very simple instructions on consciously accessing the Akashic Records. Yuriko Ohno translation, published through Tokuma Shoten, 2009.

Akashic Field of Light, is an in depth collaboration with award-winning author, Banana Yoshimoto. Yuriko Ohno translated my contributions. Published through Tokuma Shoten in 2009.

Earth Changes in the Period 2014-2018, is a predictive look at the changes that are going to happen to the islands of Japan and Pacific countries. The outlook takes the reader far into the future as well. Released through Tokuma Shoten in 2014, translated by Yuriko Ohno.

Translated by Koichi Sakamoto and released through Tokuma Shoten in 2010
