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We Are the Fifth Global Civilization

Updated: May 6, 2020

Each of the four global civilizations that have come before us faced very similar world endings. Eventually the human herd will be 550,000,000 in number.

The following exchange happen in the early 2000s. The question was from a member of my previous homepage's forum section: Question - "In one of your books you mentioned some civilizations listed in the Akashic Records. Can you put dates on the time periods for: No-Ah, Lem-Ura, Po-Seda, At-Latia, Ur-Antia? And what is our current civilization? Will Earth house future civilizations? If so, what will they be named?" - Tn

Answer - The Akashic Records indicate a total of seven social experiments on the planet - five up until now (we are the fifth) and two in the future.

Having concrete dates on all of this would be very nice. The problem is that time as we know it has not always existed on Earth, both literally and figuratively. One thousand years ago, the peoples inhabiting the cultures of North and South America, all Pacific Island nations, Japan, China, India, Africa, Eurasia, Siberia, Mongolia and most of the Middle East would not know Gregorian concepts of time. When we go back to times before the Sumerian culture, then it becomes increasingly more difficult to determine exactly what time frames we are speaking of.

Trying to match times to know geological events does not help, because scientists still believe they are foolproof in their carbon dating systems. Example: they believe that the Grand Canyon was methodically carved by the Colorado River over hundreds of thousands of years. Ninety-nine percent of it was created by one singular event when a vast inland sea emptied into the Pacific Ocean. The remnant of that sea is the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The canyon walls have weathered out since, but science has it wrong.

Giving a near accurate timing for each civilization requires something that cyclically affects everyone at the same time. Using the thirteen thousand year waves of energy radiating from the center of creation that cause the cycles of unity and separation can give a generalized timing to past civilizations.

"Two mutations of the human DNA will take place - one is that humans will become genderless - each human will be capable of reproducing off spring and the next will be thought-based bodies - bodies that instantly respond to each thought."

No-Ah - 65-52,000 years ago: Separation. The Akasha shows that No-Ah was a Pleiadian outpost civilization here on Earth that began some 70,000 years ago in what must have been a cycle of unity that predates this separation period. The information in the Akasha during this period does not indicate a significant difference between the cycles. This could mean that those beings inhabiting Earth at the time might not have been influenced by the photon wave shifting consciousness from unity to separation 65,000 years ago. Maybe the individuals were telepathically link prior to the shift and did not experience any real change. The Akashic Records show Earth as going through a lot of physical changes during that period. Because of this, there were few population areas keeping this social experiment to smaller, more regionalized gatherings that sparsely dotted most of Earth's dry surface.

No-Ah/Lem-Ura - 52-39,000 years ago: Unity. The Pleiadian gathering went from a separation cycle into unity around 52,000 years ago. It was during this unity cycle that the mystical traditions of the Lemurian culture began. This is the first half of the Lemurian culture. Little is recorded in the Akasha concerning this period, mainly because there were so few individuals on the planet at the time, much fewer than in the previous cycle. What is shown is that a series of major earth changes forced the inhabitants to shift the core matrix energy of Earth's animate life into an artificially formed dimension (the arch) to ensure the continuation of life on Earth. Not just two of each kind, but every bit and piece of animate life was shifted into that adjacent realm out of harms way.

Lem-Ura/Po-Seda - 39-26,000 years ago: Separation. Earth's human population soared during this Lemurian separation cycle to around 550,000,000. One member of Lemuria wanted to help humanity begin its shift to unity; this individual's name was Sananda. He led a gathering of Souls that finally centered their social experiment in what is now Southern California. This gathering called Mu or Posedia stretched out over the numerous Islands in the Pacific Ocean as well as the coastal areas of North, Central and Southern Americas. In the Records, the name of Posedia is dominant over Mu because the greater population of that gathering was concentrated in the Pacific Islands and not in the culture's inspirational center at Mu, on what is now the coast of California. Mu/Posedia perished in a series of cataclysmic upheavals and rising water levels that were brought on by Earth's rising temperature. Most of the information concerning Mu is included in the Lemurian data in the Records, making little distinction between the two cultures. (A side note: the symbols in the Akasha indicate that one being named Sananda lived around 42,000 years ago and whose names continues to the end of the Lemurian period 26,000 years ago.

When Akashic readers ask for information concerning Sananda it is important to remember that "Sananda" became a designation for leaders out of respect for the Soul known as Sananda. This happened with "Myrdlwyn" (Merlin) to the Druids and is happening with "Pope" to the Catholics. Sananda changed every few hundrd years and was not one man spanning the two Lemurian phases. The first Sananda led his people to create MU and then gave his leadership over to another as he dropped his physical form. That individual took the name, Sananda, passing on the tradition to his heir.

Altlatia - 26-13,000 years ago: Unity. This is the first real account of how the thousand years thick photon waves affect human consciousness every 13,000 years. The new Souls arriving on Earth to experience this shift, while in human form, were from The Great Hunter, Orionis. Four stars in the Orion constellation have earth type planets, or moon planets, within their gravitational influence: Betelgeuse, Mintaka, Rigel and Saiph. Even thought the manifest forms of those worlds that are able to contain Triadic Souls are very different than those of Earth, the new arrivals immediately began to master their new physical circumstances. They began to arrive on the leading edge of that wave to influence, as many humans for the first five hundred years of the wave as would be possible, taking up the cause of unity where the followers of Sananda had left off.

Enormous strides were made in every aspect of life for five hundred years before the shift point and for five hundred years after the shift. Even though the first five hundred years were filled with the cleansing of collective conflict, a great deal of expansion in consciousness was achieved because there were no competing concepts of Creator God to have to muddle through. Conflict was resolved quickly through the Lemurian mystical traditions and the off planet understandings being offered by those Souls from Orion. They built the pyramid complex on Giza in Egypt as a cosmic calendar of sorts for this generation to identify the timing of the next shift.

Urantia - 13,000 years ago up until the year 2012: Separation. Souls from unnamed stars within the Constellation Lyra and more Souls from the planetary systems surrounding the Pleiadian stars; Celaeno, Merope and Pleione arrived on Earth to directly experience the shift from unity to separation. This time, their mission was to help as many individuals as was possible to remain fully awake as the collective human consciousness went into separation. Unfortunately, a series of natural disasters threw most of the world's population into chaos. The cultural center nestled in the valley called Os Sira, in what is now the Mediterranean Sea, was inundated with water from the Atlantic as the natural dam connecting the European Continent with Africa was destroyed by tectonic shifts in the Earth's crust.

We have dived as deeply into separation and duality as is humanly possible during this time called Urantia. The next age of unity will be the second half of the Urantia period marking a period of 26,000 years for this culture. Human enfleshment as we know it will cease to exist in the year Gregorian 6,732 and will be replaced by a non-gendered human form that is more etheric than physical. Human organs will be replaced by glands, such as those of our endocrine system, and our physical bodies will become very alien looking, just as is the difference from early Neanderthal to modern humans.

The next two, as yet unnamed civilizations will be a continuation of the present, but with great leaps forward through telepathic communication and thought manifestation. With little inner conflict, a general lack of harsh earth changes and a few more thousand years of evolution, our physical forms will carry us through some nine hundred to a thousand years. Two mutations of the human DNA will take place - one is that humans will become genderless - each human will be capable of reproducing off spring and the next will be thought-based bodies - bodies that instantly respond to each thought. We will be able to shift our physical structures to withstand inertia effects when physically traveling to other star systems.

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