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Writer's pictureGary Bonnell

Consciously Accessing the Akashic Records

Updated: May 6, 2020

We are constantly feeding the Akasha with our observations and responses to every aspect of our lives. That Record involves every detail of past, present and future.

The following is taken from my book, Your Book of Life - Accessing the Akashic Records. i have not edited the content for this post.

The Akasha - An Overview of the Akashic Records and The Book of Life

We are all constantly feeding the Akasha with the details of each moment. We also retrieve information from the Records as intuitive impulses, so to speak.

Unfortunately, little historical information on the Akasha has survived from earlier cultures and civilizations. What we do know is all too often cloaked in stories of ritual magic and legends of wizards that seem much larger than life. As in all oral traditions many of these rather hard to believe myths have fascinating true stories at their beginnings. It would be difficult to fully understand what really happened back in the Garden of Eden if we only had the Book of Genesis as our guide, just as it would be difficult to explain the Aka-sa (Akasha) with just one historical reference. To get the big picture we must explore forgotten books, or interview members of those secret societies still practicing the art of looking into the Book of Life.

The Akasha, or Akashic Records as it is now known, derives from two words, Aka - space (also storage place or repository) and Sa - sky (also secret or hidden). These terms originate out of the ancient cultures of northern India and Tibet. This puts the earliest historical evidence of the Akasha in Tibet around 7500BCE1. It was known to the pre-Buddhist priests of the Himalayan religion that each Soul wrote every immutable event of all its existence (enfleshing) in a great book prior to its first incarnation. It was further known that these events could be viewed in their entirety if one was of appropriate consciousness. These early teachings were brought forth through time by the gyatso, or Holy monks, from the first days of mankind on Earth and later formed many of the stories written in the Sanskrit sutras.

About thirty-five hundred years later, around 4000BCE, the Egyptians, Persians and Chaldeans in the Mid East demonstrated a profound awareness of both astrology and the Akasha. Plato used the Akashic Records to reach into the cultures that predated his own and gives the first historical accounting of the Atlaitian culture. The Akasha indicates that the inhabitants of Atlantis colonized Egypt and built the pyramid complex at Giza some 13,000 years ago. In Egypt, as in Atlantis, those who could read the Records were called, Rehk-Get-Amon. These individuals held high social standing and are often shown on the wall murals of Egyptian tombs advising Pharaohs in the day-to-day activities of the common people. They also advised Pharaohs on the practical meaning and interpretation of their dreams. One of Persia’s most noted prophets and readers of the Akasha was Al Hakim. He foretold of the birth of Jesus and Mohammed; he was also a noted astrologer and taught his craft throughout the known world. There were so many noted fortune tellers in Chaldea that if by chance one should wander outside the city limits and was found to be Chaldean it was automatically assumed that he or she read the stars or the Book of Life.

The ancient Greek oracles of Delphi, Dodona and Trophonius used the hidden repository of the Akasha as a means of foretelling the futures of most of the known world's generals and rulers. These are just three of the many sites where temples were erected to the science of divination and the Akasha. The Delphic seer was perhaps the most famous of the oracles and was acknowledged throughout the known world as the eyes of the Gods.

The Chinese had many great prophets who used the Records. One of the most famous was Sujujin. His ability to read the karma of an individual was legendary. It was widely reported that all he needed was the first name of anyone to tell his or her complete life’s history from beginning to end, before the end was known. Many ruling families used his talents to increase their positions. There was another, a gentleman by the name of Tajao, mentioned in Richard H. Allen’s book, The Annals of China. Tajao’s discoveries within the Records are dated from around 2608BCE and cover a wide variety of subjects that span over two thousand years. He was also a noted astrologer who understood the Soul of the zodiac.

The Hebrew prophets of the Old Testament had this knowledge. The nadi, or seer, used the Akashic Records to predict the fates of many of the world's leaders of their time. They also foretold of the distant future of the Jews as a race consciousness. They were truly amazing when it came to understanding the symbolic language of the Akasha. The early Hebrew prophets foretold the coming of a messiah, a savior for the Jews. Many people at the time felt this messiah to be the great teacher/healer/prophet Joshua Ben Joseph, or simply Jesus. Jesus often spoke with great authority from the Records. Most of his concepts of Unity can be found at the core of the Collective Human Mind. His most remembered use of the Records was the account of the life events of the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4: 7-26) when he described every detail of her life.

Other documents concerning the life and teachings of Jesus are the Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea Scrolls.4 Although somewhat vague, there are references made in these scrolls to the study of the eternal records of humankind. Surprisingly, Catholic Church documents (200CE) reveal early Christian Mystics with the knowledge to transport their Awareness to the Hall of Records. There are two documents, Wings of Mithra and Sword(Blade) of El, taken from a small chapel in Wales in the early part of the first century that formed the basis for the meditative practices of these mystic church elders. In England and Wales, The Myrdwyns of the Druid culture (400-900CE) showed the ability to access the Akasha. Merlin (born around 415CE) is by far the best known of these Spiritual leaders. His predictions range some 1,200 years in all. The Bardic Triads compiled by Llewellyn Sion of Glamorgan symbolically tell of the system used by the Druids to enter the Records. The Roman historian Pompeius Trogus declared the Celts to excel in accuracy of details when reading from the Records and the stars. Maelmaedhog au Morgair used the Akashic Records when he gave his famous papal prophecies describing each pope from 1143CE to present time. Its accuracy has stood the test of time and continues to unfold with each Pope.

The work of Nostradamus (1503-1566CE) has to be the most exciting evidence of the existence of a Hall of Records. He not only told of individuals' futures, but he spoke of nations and their future activities in surprising detail. Nostradamus was Jewish by birth and Catholic by virtue of his parent’s choice to convert. I believe it was the influence of early Christian mysticism and an in-depth study of the Kabbalah that gave him the opportunity to find his way into the Records. His predictions cover some seven centuries and are so accurate that many individuals still use them to determine where and how they will live.

A complete study of the Akasha would also include the Americas. The Mayans explored the future with amazing accuracy. Their astronomical observations rival modern day scientific achievements in that field. Through the Akasha they even foretold of the coming unification of the Collective Mind in the year 2011CE. They determined that to be the end of time, as they understood it, and the beginning of a people who lived outside the dimensions of time. Quetzalcoatl taught the ancient Americans astrology and use of the Records. Montezuma accessed the Records and saw a hand upon the seal of the Book of his people but misinterpreted the symbol to mean that the coming Spanish invasion was fortuitous. The descendants of the indigenous people of Mexico, and Central and South Americas might argue otherwise.

History is full of the accounts of individuals who have consciously used the Hall of Records. In recent times, individuals such as; Edgar Cayce, Alice Bailey, John Ford, William Lilly, Lillian Treemont, Manly P. Hall, Emanuel Swedenborg, Mary Baker Eddy, John Smith, Rudolph Steiner, Dion Fortune and George Hunt Williamson, to name only a few, have all demonstrated the traditions of the Akasha.

The most widely known modern day proponent of the Akashic Records would have to be Edgar Cayce. There are few mystics in modern times that have given the Records such attention as Mr. Cayce. Cayce focused primarily on present life health issues originating from unresolved past life influences, or karma. His ability to help individuals bring about desired physical and emotional changes was truly remarkable. From the scope of his work it appears he had the entire Hall of Records at his disposal.

Another individual worth mentioning is George Hunt Williamson author of "Secret Places of the Lion" and "Other Tongues, Other Flesh." His interpretations of the Akashic Symbols take the reader on a wonderful journey into a past free of the usual vested point of view found in history books. In "Secret Places of the Lion," Mr. Williamson gives details about the incarnation patterns of certain Souls as they repeatedly interact with one another as they go about the business of fulfilling their 'purpose' in this realm.

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